Healing Healthcare
Reducing Health Disparities
How can California health plans reduce care disparities? Watch our latest episode of Healing Healthcare with Dr. Monica Soni, MD, Chief Medical Officer for Covered California.
Our Guest: Dr. Monica Soni, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Covered California
In this episode of Healing Healthcare, we talk with Covered California’s Chief Medical Officer on reducing healthcare disparities. Learn how Covered California is leveraging robust member demographic information to identify gaps and opportunities for providing equitable healthcare.
Topics include:
- How an organizational culture and mission of “reducing health disparities” enables progress
- How to get health plan members to provide self-reported demographic information
- How to keep perfect from being the enemy of good
- The importance of collaborating and sharing across the industry
- Why granularly disaggregating member data is important for identifying disparities
- Why financial accountability tied to equity and quality can help make progress
- How Covered CA can be a support resource for Health Plan